Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hello everyone! Michael and I are so sorry for not visiting in forever. We have missed all of you! But we are back and cooking up a storm! I have a few new exciting ideas up my sleeve. I hope you continue to join us on our journey!

We were so busy planning Michael & April's wedding which was on July 14th and it was perfect. gorgeous. beautiful. lovely. Everything they could have ever wanted. And then, we all jetted off to Italy where Michael and April went on a week long cruise through Europe while my parents, Sean and I stayed with my family in Monte Di Procida. We spent our days drinking espresso, cooking, eating, jumping into the Mediterranean from my uncles boat, visiting family, eating, eating eating...did I mention eating? Finally, Michael and April arrived and we had their second wedding reception there and it was amazing. The love our family has for us over there is wonderful.

So what is my new approach, you ask? Well, for those of you who don't know...I am a 23 year old who is in that weird spot in life where I just graduated college (ugh, can't we go back in time?!), but I don't have my "career" yet. With that being said, I want to target that age group that is stuck in this weird purgatory of being a college student and being...dare I say it...a REAL adult. The kind of adult that has it all figured out, has money to spend, has a routine of cooking dinner every night, and always looks flawless in the kitchen. If that's you, way to go! It must be nice. However, as much as i'd like to think that is me...let's face it, it's not and I can't deny it anymore. I AM in that purgatory where I am still on a college student budget, still like to go out with friends, find fun & cheap places for dates, cook dinner for myself, my  family, friends, and my man. I try to keep my grocery list cheap and buy what's on sale and I keep my wine cheap if you're a wino, I am sorry about the 2 buck chuck you might see me drinking! Here are a few catergories i am going to focus on:

Cheap (but delish of course!) meals/recipes for 1, 2, & more.
Fun date nights
Where to go in town with friends and loved ones
Easy entertaining ideas
How to vacation on a dime

I hope this new approach helps to center my focus and helps all you inbetweeners as well.

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