Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fonuts...what are FOnuts?

picture courtesy of
Fonuts: Origin - faux donuts
"Don't call them a donut"--
Ok! We won't! But what they? Fonuts are "donuts" (sorry, I didn't know another word for...that word) that are baked or steamed but NEVER fried like a normal donut would be. I got a chance to try these little bites of heaven at an en event and I recommend you take a trip up to LA to try one (or 4..) too!

Fonuts is the sweet child of pastry chef, Waylynn Lucas and voice actor/home baker, Nancy Truman. They opened their doors to Fonuts in 2010 in LA and have been baking up unfried, gluten-free and vegan goodness in the familiar form of donuts ever since. They have come together and created recipes that one might find a tad bit odd, but once they take a bite of a Chorizo Cheddar or Maple Bacon Fonut, their minds quickly will change and probably say..."Why didn't I think of that?!"

Mini Size at the Event
I had the chance to indulge in quite a few of these decadent Fonuts a few weeks ago at an event that I worked. I had heard great things about the Fonuts shop located just a few streets away from my office so needless to say, I was estatic to find out that our client had ordered a whole bunch of their most popular flavors to serve at the event. 

We set up a nice display of the varying flavors which included: 
Apple Cinnamon 
Red Velvet
Coconut Passion Fruit
Chocolate Coconut
Blueberry Earl Grey
Banana Chocolate
Rosemary Olive Oil
Chocolate Coconut
Chocolate & Sprinkles
Strawberry Buttermilk

I particularly liked the Blueberry Earl Grey because they used fresh blueberries and when I bit into the Fonut, the blueberries were still so full of juice that bursted in my mouth. Other favorites among guests was the Red Velvet and Chocolate Coconut. I didn't get a chance to try the Rosemary Olive Oil but I wondered if it would be sweet or savory? I guess i'll just have to go back and try it out! 

Counter & Stools at Fonuts
Located off of West 3rd Street in the heart of LA, make a day of it, explore your horizons and try these unfried goodies! Hey, they must be healthy because they are unfried...right? Anyone? Ok, maybe just me but you can make yourself feel better by saying they are! Please let us know what YOUR favorite flavor is and submit a picture of yourself there! We would love to hear about your experience. 

Make sure you check out Fonuts and like their Facebook page!

Visit them at:
Mon-Fri: 730am-530pm
Sat/Sun: 8am-5pm
Closed Tuesdays

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